To remind you of what has already happened in Italy - first day - the tomb of the unknown solder, Colosseum, walking, walking, walking,
Trevi fountain and dinner -- second day - the Vatican, Sistine Chapel, the Castle of st. Anglo, the Pantheon, more food, more walking. Third day - the Spanish steps, Piazza
di Popolo, and the villa
Borghese, more walking and more food. Fourth day -

Now to the missing days -
Fifth day - tour to Pompeii - I hate tours and this one did nothing to change my mind. We paid god awful prices to be taken to Pompeii - we were gone for 11 hours and spent
only 2 1/2 HOURS rushing around in Pompeii - actually only two hours walking the ruins and another 30 minutes waiting for people to buy ice cream and take a toilet break or two. The trip from Rome to Pompeii is about 2.5 hours each way - plus the 2.5 hours in Pompeii is a total of 7.5 hours -- that means four hours were wasted picking up and delivering the 'local guide', stopping at junk sales shops and 'touring' the docks of Naples. I hate tours.
Day 6 -
Camillo, Marissa, Mirella and I drove to
Civita (I will have to give you the full name when I am back in Rome and have all my notes with me) - I guess I should say Mirella drove and we rode, making it a very nice trip for us and maybe a little hard on Mirella.
Every time we go to Italy we make a point of visiting the little mountain top village. It is beautifully preserved
medieval town with a long and very interesting history.
(Seems Marissa is getting a bit worn out - wonder why?)
yep! that is the walk up to the city. then an hour to walk around all the little side streets, have lunch in anyone of a dozen little bars and
restaurants - then back to Rome. This is off the beaten trail, usually not crowded with 'tourists' and very much worth the drive there and back, if Mirella is driving, of course.
Day 7 - a four hour trip by
EuroStar to Venice. time for a nap before dinner - more about the train and Venice tomorrow.