Saturday, December 29, 2007

Christmas in Gramado - end day 2

After spending the afternoon in the wine country, we finished our drive to Gramado. There was a long line of cars - stretched for miles into Gramado and local people walking. We ended up missing the evening program and parades. It took nearly two hours to find our hotels, get settled and to make our way back to Gramado's center.
The lights, and storefront decorations satisfied, exceeded, all my Christmas past and present memories. There were hundreds of people and cars, everyone in a festive mood: eating, strolling, laughing, lifting their children high to see all the action.
Lenira and I sang Christmas carols as we walked from one end of the main street to the other - at least we sang the words the best we could remember. She found I'm dreaming of a white Christmas on her IPOD, so we sang all the words start to finish. I sang as loud and as off key as I wanted (no real option there) - no one even glanced at me - it was just another part of the show - we all enjoyed ourselves.
My recommendation is that if you want to do Christmas in Gramado - you reserve a hotel room in the downtown center, (6 months in advance) park your car and walk everywhere - OR get there early to avoid the traffic mess.

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