Saturday, February 10, 2007

Walking home from the gym

Yesterday I went to my gym to take photos of the "guys." They were posing and clowning around. They also wanted the site address to check out the photos but I won't post them. They are just bad. I need to return on Monday and try again.

I did take photos of the green stuff on my walk home.

Some people expect Rio to be like Hawaii with air perfumed by plumeria and pikake blossoms.
No such luck. Someone described the green as an aggressive green.

Upon observation, it seems to be a monotone of green. Everything is the same shade of green, no greys, no silvers, no pale leaf greens, just green-green.

"And little Molly Dolittle walked and walked . . . and everything was green . . . and more green."
I made this up

"No white nor red was ever seen
So am'rous as this lovely green.
Fond Lovers, cruel as their Flame
Cut in these Trees their Mistress name." . . .

"Mean while the Mind, from Pleasure less, Withdraws into its happiness: The Mind, that Ocean where each kind Does streight its own resemblance find; Yet it creates, transcending these, Far other Worlds, and other Seas, Annihilating all that's made To a green Thought in a green Shade"

Andrew Marvel

Back to my task at hand. Well on the underside of leaves it is possible to find some color.

You have to hunt for flowers or climb the trees to find them.

We shouldn't complain though, the green does detract from the typical Stalinist-type architecture.

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