That is the second time this week that I posted before I wrote - sad that I must be getting confused.... if you find this blog not complete - come again later!

Saturday in Rio - I wanted to walk in the Lapa area just outside of the center and visit the antique stores and Camillo (as usual) wanted to eat leitao 'the best in the WORLD' in the center - so we combined the two.
Brazilians love to eat out - literally outdoors. And the more friends the better - we started with plans for 6 and

ended up with 10 friends. The leitao can be ordered by portion or in advance the whole pig... but for 8 - we decided by the portion and ended up with enough people to have gotten the complete package....
Boteco Casual, Rua do Ouvidor.Travessa do Commercio, phone 221 2626.) On weekends in this area there are many

small places open to the locals - some days there is music on the streets and many people just strolling to enjoy the old buildings (that are slowly being refurbished / restored or in the least painted) and the warm sunshine.
This historic part of Rio is quite charming and a must see. Although somewhat tarnished, it hints of the grander that was Rio when the capital of

The day was clear and beautiful, the food good, and the friends fantastic.
After a two o'clock lunch that lasted until well after 4:30, no one wanted to walk in Lapa -
I said please 'this was the original plan of the day' so to keep me from being grumpy, we went. Everything had closed down and no music - I did get to take

several photos of the wrought iron balconies. And I will go back on another early Saturday to see all the action.
Instead of taking multiple taxis we all piled into Abel's car and returned to Leblon - everyone was still in the mood for ACTION - there was a jazz festival starting... we stopped to see, walk through the crowds and then hungry and thirsty again went to Rosemary's for wine and cheese.
All together was a great day.