Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Part 2: Moving day, Maybe

The lights at the Jockey club have just come on. That means it is 5 in the morning. If this were the weekend most Brazilians would just be going to bed. ON this Tuesday morning, I have been awake since 2:45.

We spent all of yesterday waiting for a final document to be emailed. It arrived in great detail and with only 2 unclear issues. The Comandante then took the document to Barra to be signed by the fiador and then back to Ipanema to be notarized. The glitch was that they would not notarize our fiador's signature and he must return there today. Result: Still no key. Still no move!

You might ask WHY in the land that invented "manaña" (manha for all you portuguese speakers) I'm so anxious. Resposta: Wednesday I am headed to the US for a month. I am just a glutton for punishment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

RoseMary -

I hope your get your new apartment without any more glitches and that your trip to the US is uneventful. We spent an hour trying to get back into the US from Canada last week. Gone are the days when they just waved you through if you didn't look suspicious. Now they want to know if you are bringing in "any beef" ... ??? Enjoy your time in the states.

-Laurie from Indiana