Ginger and Camilo are on a trip through the south of Brazil this week. Here is her report for the first day.
"We left for the Rio airport this morning at 6 am to catch an 8 am flight. We found the flight would be 1 hour late, then 3 hours, then it was totally canceled and the airline put on an 11:35 flight. We finally left Rio at 12:20 arriving in Curitiba at 3:15. The plane went up, came down, went up, came down, on what we would call in the states a puddle jumper, but arrived safe and full of crackers. So far the town (old town) is charming and very clean. Tomorrow we take a train to a federal reserve. We will have lunch, take photos and will return here in time for dinner. On Saturday or Sunday morning I'll go back to the old center and take photos "sem" people and with better light than the late afternoon allowed me."
Kisses from Curitiba, Ginger
Ginger, I just loooove Curitiba! But I'd take it's very cold there now, huh?
I'm from Blumenau (SC) and I have relatives in Curitiba so I was there for long weekends and vacations. You have to go to the "feirinha" on Sundays (if I'm not mistaken) on 'Lago da Ordem". Lost of crafts and delicious food. :-) Ah, Ópera de Arame, Tanguá park and Jardim Botânico are must to see!
Ginger, thanks for your comments regarding nomenclature of trees. Remind me to send you the link for books available. Never mind, here it is: www.plantarum.com.br Fantastic collection of books. Wish I could afford them!
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